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edit Test GatheringFriday Feb 20th 2015 - Saturday Feb 21st 2015
Gathering URL: http://google.com
Spot: Aber Glaslyn Gorge

edit World Mystery Championship 2014 - Sparrow CliffsSaturday May 17th 2014 - Saturday May 17th 2014
Gathering URL: http://swallowcliffs2014.blogspot.com/
Spot: Sparrow Cliffs

edit New River Squirt Gathering of Friends 2010Friday May 16th 2014 - Sunday May 18th 2014
Gathering URL: http://www.angstkayak.com/new/
Spot: Bubbler 1 & 2

edit Cheat FestFriday May 2nd 2014 - Sunday May 4th 2014
Gathering URL: http://cheat.org/festival
Spot: Fascination Alley
Alt Spot 1: No Name

edit World Mystery Championship 2013Friday Aug 23rd 2013 - Sunday Aug 25th 2013
Gathering URL:
Spot: The Leslie
Alt Spot 1: Cats Pajamas

edit Weasel GatheringSaturday Aug 25th 2012 - Sunday Aug 26th 2012
Gathering URL: http://www.sinkspots.org/worlds2011/weasel_gathering.php.htm
Spot: Weasel, The
Alt Spot 1: Barton Buster
Alt Spot 2: Squirt Ranch
Alt Spot 3: Champagne Jam
Alt Spot 4: Buffet, The

edit Rincon RendezvousFriday Aug 3rd 2012 - Sunday Aug 5th 2012
Gathering URL: http://www.rinconrendezvous.com/
Spot: Rincon

edit JimicupSaturday Jul 21st 2012 - Sunday Jul 22nd 2012
Gathering URL: http://www.ottawajimicup.com
Spot: Smoothie

edit SquirtTogetherSaturday Sep 17th 2011 - Sunday Sep 18th 2011
Gathering URL: http://squirtogether.blog.drecom.jp/
Spot: Borobus
Alt Spot 1: Tombo
Alt Spot 2: Kanpo
Alt Spot 3: JB

edit Gauley FestFriday Sep 16th 2011 - Sunday Sep 18th 2011
Gathering URL: http://www.americanwhitewater.org/content/Wiki/aw:events_gauley
Spot: Last Chance
Alt Spot 1: Trash Compactor
Alt Spot 2: Twisted Sister

edit Dizzyland Dropkick PartySunday Aug 28th 2011 - Monday Aug 29th 2011
Gathering URL: http://www.sinkspots.org/dizzyland
Spot: Dizzyland
Alt Spot 1: Three Forks
Alt Spot 2: Sky

edit Deerfield River Festival - Charlemont, MASaturday Jul 30th 2011 - Sunday Jul 31st 2011
Gathering URL: http://www.americanwhitewater.org/content/Wiki/aw:events_deerfield
Spot: Consumption Junction (CJ)
Alt Spot 1: Dryway Section

edit Potomac Whitewater FestivalSaturday Jun 25th 2011 - Sunday Jun 26th 2011
Gathering URL: http://www.potomacfest.com
Spot: Center Chute
Alt Spot 1: Po Dunk and Roam
Alt Spot 2: Bermuda Triangle
Alt Spot 3: Dunkin Grayballs
Alt Spot 4: Fish Bowl

edit Wenatchee River FestSaturday Jun 11th 2011 - Sunday Jun 12th 2011
Gathering URL: http://www.wenatcheeriver.com/
Spot: Wenatchee Run

edit Upper Clack Fest - Collawash GatheringSaturday May 14th 2011 - Sunday May 15th 2011
Gathering URL: http://www.sinkspots.org/clackfest/collawash_gathering.php
Spot: Collawash (Two Rivers)
Alt Spot 1: Twin Fan

edit CquirtFriday Apr 29th 2011 - Friday Apr 29th 2011
Gathering URL: http://www.cboats.net
Spot: Fascination Alley
Alt Spot 1: No Name

edit Kern River FestivalFriday Apr 15th 2011 - Sunday Apr 17th 2011
Gathering URL: http://kernfestival.com/
Spot: Kern Convergence
Alt Spot 1: Kern Cliff

edit WinterCup 2010 - Deep SouthTuesday Oct 12th 2010 - Wednesday Oct 13th 2010
Gathering URL:
Spot: Fishing with Gandhi
Alt Spot 1: Wye

edit Weasel RendezvousSunday Aug 15th 2010 - Monday Aug 16th 2010
Gathering URL: http://www.sinkspots.org/weasel/weasel_gathering.php
Spot: Weasel, The

edit Ocoee CupTuesday Jun 1st 2010 - Tuesday Jun 1st 2010
Gathering URL:
Spot: Cats Pajamas
Alt Spot 1: Sweet Cheeks TN
Alt Spot 2: Carousel

edit ChassezacSaturday Apr 26th 2008 - Friday May 2nd 2008
Gathering URL: http://www.downtimekayaks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=201
Spot: Chassezac spot